Ogni giocatore gioca come capo clan e deve segretamente e saggiamente giocare una carta dalla propria mano, che rappresenta un membro della propria tribù, per cercare di conquistare alcuni territori. Strategia e tempismo saranno cruciali per segnare! Il giocatore che ottiene il maggior numero di punti dopo 9 round vince la partita.
Subcontinente di Vaalbara, epoca Neolitica. La tua tribù si propone di esplorare terre inesplorate per stabilire villaggi sedentari. Usa i vari talenti della tua tribù per ottimizzare il tuo sviluppo, espandere il tuo territorio e rafforzare la tua egemonia!
Numero di giocatori: 2 - 5
Durata della partita: 7 mn
Complessità: 2 / 5
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Gioca a Vaalbara e 963 altri giochi online.
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Con i tuoi amici e migliaia di giocatori da tutto il mondo.
Sommario delle regole
Have the most points at the end of 9 rounds
Pick a character to play, this character has a written power as well as a number to show initiative (lowest is first). If you play the same value then the omen card at the top of the board tells you who goes first.
When it is your turn, you may take one land from the front row (the back row isn't available and is only to show what will appear next round). The cards in this row will slowly reduce as players pick, i.e. they are not replaced so if you are last you will have the choice of 1 card
Each land scores points based on varying criteria on the cards:
Farm cards (yellow) score points based on how many you already have.
Forest cards (green) just score you straight points.
Meadow cards (red) score depending on how many are in your realm and your neighbours.
Village cards (brown) gain points for different land types in your realm.
Mountain cards (purple) score if you have two and then four of them in your realm.
River cards (blue) gains points equal to the initiative value of the character you played this round (max. 6) multiplied by the number of Rivers in your Realm.
After all players have taken a land, discard your played character and draw a new one to your hand
As well as the points on the land themselves, there is a variety bonus of 5 points for 5 different land types and 10 points for 6 different land types