Per vincere Oxono, devi essere il primo giocatore ad allineare 4 pedine dello stesso colore, indipendentemente dai simboli, o 4 pedine dello stesso simbolo, indipendentemente dal colore.
Scegli un totem (X o O) da giocare al tuo turno. Quindi spostalo di tutti gli spazi che desideri in una riga verticale o orizzontale del tabellone. Una volta posizionato un totem sulla sua casella di destinazione, devi immediatamente posizionare una delle tue pedine con lo stesso simbolo del totem appena spostato su uno spazio libero ortogonalmente adiacente attorno alla nuova posizione del totem.
Numero di giocatori: 2
Durata della partita: 3 mn
Complessità: 2 / 5
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Gioca a Oxono e 930 altri giochi online.
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Sommario delle regole
Goal of the game: Be the first player to align 4 pawns of the same color or 4 pawns of the same symbol orthogonally.
How to play?
Choose a totem (X or O) to play at your turn.
Then move it as many spaces as you want in a vertical or horizontal row of the board.
A totem can not normally pass over a square occupied by another pawn or totem when it moves.
Once you have placed a totem on its destination square, you must immediately place one of your pawns with the same symbol as the totem you just moved (X or O) on an orthogonally adjacent free space around the totem's new position.
⚠️ If all squares (orthogonally) around a totem are occupied by other pawns (totem is considered to be "enclosed"): A player can play an enclosed totem by jumping (orthogonally) over a pawn (or series of pawns) surrounding the enclosed totem. In this case, the totem must be placed directly on the first free square available after the pawn (or series of pawns) just skipped. Then, the player must immediately place one of their pawns as normal.
⚠️ Additionally, if all squares of the rows are occupied by other pawns (totem is not able to jump): Player can place the Totem on any free square on the board. Then, the player must immediately place one of their pawns as normal.
⚠️ If all adjacent spaces around the totem are occupied, place one of your pawns of the same symbol as the totem on any empty space on the game board.
⚠️ The symbols of the totems do not count in the alignment of the symbols of the pawns.
End of the game
When a player places the fourth (or more) pawn of the same color or the same symbol orthogonally, the game ends and this player is the winner.
If both players have placed their 16 pawns without aligning 4 pawns of the same color or the same symbols, the game ends in a draw.