È ora di portare gli animali a bordo delle piccole arche che li portano alla grande arca, che li sta aspettando in mare. Ma il compito non è facile: le arche possono contenere solo una certa quantità di peso prima di capovolgersi, e il genere degli animali deve essere preso in considerazione.
Noè ti ha chiesto di aiutarlo a salvare più animali possibili... Ma solo i migliori tra di voi saranno salvati!
Numero di giocatori: 1 - 5
Durata della partita: 7 mn
Complessità: 1 / 5
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Gioca a Noah e 963 altri giochi online.
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Con i tuoi amici e migliaia di giocatori da tutto il mondo.
Sommario delle regole
Goal of the game: Have the lowest points after three rounds; alternatively the game ends someone scores 26+ points
Round goal: Empty your hand of point animals(ones with the water drop symbols)
Cards: The cards have an image of an animal, their gender, weight, special abilities and point value(if any) listed
Player turn:
- First, play an animal card to ark the Noah marker is on as per the rules of card placement(below)
- Then move Noah according to the symbol in the top middle of the card
- If you play an animal of the same species as the top-most card on your ark, immediately take another turn after moving Noah
Rules for card placement:
- Cards placed on arks must either all be of the matching gender or alternate back and forth
- All cards have a number printed on them indicating their weight, ranging from 0 to 10.
- The Arks have a typical weight limit of 21, unless modified by the wood pecker card(which lowers the weight limit to 13)
- The Ark departs when it reaches its EXACT weight limit, and those cards are discarded.
- You get the bonus of giving away one card to an opponent per ark that has been completed this round.
- If you are unable to play a card, you must instead take all the cards from that Ark into your hand, then play a card onto that Ark.
- The round ends when a player has emptied their hand of cards and points are calculated by how many water drop symbols are on cards remaining in a players' hand
Animals with bonuses
- Lion : Steal a card from another player
- Giraffe : look at any other players hand
- Snail : choose gender when played
- Woodpecker : lower weight limit
- Mule : Don't move Noah