Castle Combo
Un gioco di carte veloce e ingegnoso, creato dall'editore di Faraway.
Ogni giocatore spenderà monete per pescare nove carte da due mercati aperti sul tavolo (la città bassa e quella alta), creando nel corso del gioco un quadrato 3x3 di persone che interagiscono tra loro per attivare effetti immediati e bonus di fine partita.
Numero di giocatori: 2 - 5
Durata della partita: 9 mn
Complessità: 2 / 5
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Gioca a Castle Combo e 992 altri giochi online.
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Con i tuoi amici e migliaia di giocatori da tutto il mondo.
Sommario delle regole
Have the most points at the end of 9 rounds
First, you MAY spend one key to either move the Messenger to the other row OR discard the row the Messenger is on and refill it.
After which, you may either buy a card in the row the Messenger is on, the cost is at the top left of the card (you may have ways to discount this cost, but never below 0), or take any available card but flip it face down and its features are no longer applicable, but you gain 6 coin and 2 Keys.
Regardless of whether the card you gained is faceup or facedown, place it into your grid orthogonally adjacent to an existing card whilst making sure not to go beyond the 3x3 boundaries.
After placement, carry out the card's ability. This may affect you, all opponents, or a neighbour of your choice.
The card may also instruct you to move the Messenger to a particular row.
After which, refill any row with fewer than 3 cards.
Game End
The Game ends after the 9th round, in which all players will have a 3x3 grid.
Any leftover gold can be assigned to Purses on cards up to the capacity of that Purse.
Cards score based on their particular requirements.
Facedown cards don't score anything.
Leftover Keys are worth 1VP each.
Gold not assigned to a Purse does not score anything.
The player with the most points wins!
If tied, the player with the most Gold not in a Purse wins!