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Spades (Picche) resoconto
#91108: "Improved statistics (NIL %, SET %, Bag average)"
awaiting: Questo suggerimento non è stato ancora analizzato dagli sviluppatori
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Suggerimento: a mio parere, quanto di seguito migliorerebbe notevolmente l'implementazione del gioco
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It would be great to have more detailed Spades stats. The current stats appear to give counts per game, but they don't show success rates. For example, Spades is a team game with individual components. Would be great if there were NIL success rates (e.g. I tried to go NIL 5 times, and I was successful 3 times, so 60% - or - my partner went NIL 3 times and was successful 1 time, so 33% when I am trying to cover a NIL). Same thing with sets (when you don't get as many tricks as you bid). Would be great to have rates for that (my team played 8 hands that game and was SET once, so 12.5% SET rate).
Another option is to make the raw data available and folks would slice/dice the information as they see fit. That would be the most flexible.• Qual è il tuo browser?
Google Chrome v114
Storico dei resoconti
yacktown00 • Questo suggerimento non è stato ancora analizzato dagli sviluppatori:
16 giu 2023 15:10 • Not a bug, but having more statistics would be super useful.
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