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#68904: "Positioning of player board next to main board on larger screens"
awaiting: Questo suggerimento non è stato ancora analizzato dagli sviluppatori
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Suggerimento: a mio parere, quanto di seguito migliorerebbe notevolmente l'implementazione del gioco
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This is the first time for me that the interface on the iPhone is easier than on my laptop. The screenshots show that on the phone, I can see the main board and my player board at the same time, whereas this does not hold when playing on the computer. On the computer, I have plenty of space to have my player board next to the main board, but unfortunately this space is not used.
imgur.com/a/3MskciF• Qual è il tuo browser?
Google Chrome v103
Storico dei resoconti
29 lug 2022 2:29 •
stamo • Questo suggerimento non è stato ancora analizzato dagli sviluppatori:
18 set 2022 21:06 • Yes, this game is basically unplayable on my laptop unless a use the browser zoom to zoom out (which is not a good long term solution as it creates other issues).
Also, it's fairly important to see the board(s) of the other player(s). Ideally the boards would all stack in some format to the right of the wheel, or that would be an option. Kind of like the layout tools in barenpark and barrage.
Also, it's fairly important to see the board(s) of the other player(s). Ideally the boards would all stack in some format to the right of the wheel, or that would be an option. Kind of like the layout tools in barenpark and barrage.
ArdillaRoja • Questo suggerimento non è stato ancora analizzato dagli sviluppatori:
7 feb 2023 23:21 • To emphasize the problem, this is what the game looks like by default on my laptop (full screened but that doesn't change the issue).
Could easily be improved for way smaller resolutions by having the player area float up next to the board I think, the wasted screen space here is criminal. But love the game though, thanks for implementing!
Could easily be improved for way smaller resolutions by having the player area float up next to the board I think, the wasted screen space here is criminal. But love the game though, thanks for implementing!
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- Se hai una schermata di questo errore (cosa buona e giusta), puoi usare Imgur.com per caricarla e fare copia/incolla del link qui.