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Caylus resoconto
#6625: "Cannot select a building during favour resolution"
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Regole: una regola del gioco non è stata rispettata
Descrizione dettagliata
• Quale parte delle regole non è stata rispettata dall'adattamento BGA
Around move #97 I got a favour from #1 in castle, I choose building favor. I moved from #1 to #2 which should allow me to build a wood building. I was not offered to do so it game just move on resolving end of phase.• La violazione delle regole è visibile nel replay della partita? Se sì, a che numero di mossa?
#97 or around it• Qual è il tuo browser?
Google Chrome v55
Storico dei resoconti
23 gen 2017 4:18 •
Darkflame820 • L'errore non è stato ancora riprodotto dagli sviluppatori:
27 feb 2017 5:49 • I did not have food to pay for the building, but I did have cloth and the buildings available were "white" (any resource) buildings. The event did not recognize my cloth as an option.
hihihiji • L'errore non è stato ancora riprodotto dagli sviluppatori:
4 mag 2017 14:34 • It happened to en.2.boardgamearena.com/caylus?table=28965231 as well, and I have food remaining this time. It was when the 4th house of dungeon was built (I could not recognize what move it was).
Darkflame820 • L'errore non è stato ancora riprodotto dagli sviluppatori:
6 mag 2017 18:58 • I have again faced the issue where I spent money for a favor at the jousting field. I had prestige building resources, but it did not allow me to build a prestige building and instead required that I build a residence (I already had two residences).
volkerk • L'errore non è stato ancora riprodotto dagli sviluppatori:
2 lug 2017 3:54 • It's possible and even likely that this behavior is caused by players clicking on the wrong cell on the chosen favor track. It is very important which cell you click on - you should click on the cell to the right of your meeple if you want to use that favor option, not on the cell containing your meeple. If you do the latter, you'll only be able to use the favor from that cell, which in the case of the leftmost cell is exactly nothing, and in the case of the second-to-last cell on the building track is the residence, not the prestige building. The reason that the game does not simply grant you the "best" favor in the chosen track is that it may be tactically important for you to choose another favor from that track - your meeple will still advance, but you may not need that resource, or not be able to build that building due to lack of resources, and thus may want/need to use one of the favors further left.
SkekTek • L'errore non è stato ancora riprodotto dagli sviluppatori:
6 mar 2019 18:10 •
SkekTek • L'errore non è stato ancora riprodotto dagli sviluppatori:
6 mar 2019 18:10 • I clicked on the cell to the right of my token and not on the token itself.
Ecureuildunord • L'errore non è stato ancora riprodotto dagli sviluppatori:
12 apr 2020 5:15 • Same thing happened as described in the main issue report post.
Do not have the table number nor the move number :(
Posting this here in case...
Do not have the table number nor the move number :(
Posting this here in case...
CrokinoleSteve • L'errore non è stato ancora riprodotto dagli sviluppatori:
22 giu 2020 17:04 • Same thing happened to me boardgamearena.com/1/caylus?table=95247799 :(
Jnna • L'errore non è stato ancora riprodotto dagli sviluppatori:
5 set 2020 15:10 • Same happened to me.
Caylus #110620515: move 232
I choose row 4 for 3rd time (previous were move 60 and 121) it gave me 2nd column. I had to build woodden instead of stone.
Didn't think of refreshing the page though.
Caylus #110620515: move 232
I choose row 4 for 3rd time (previous were move 60 and 121) it gave me 2nd column. I had to build woodden instead of stone.
Didn't think of refreshing the page though.
Mattianna • L'errore non è stato ancora riprodotto dagli sviluppatori:
1º nov 2020 0:41 • Same.
Caylus #120777102, move 59
Caylus #120777102, move 59
Langevin • L'errore non è stato ancora riprodotto dagli sviluppatori:
4 nov 2020 12:01 •
14 nov 2020 22:50 • boardgamearena.com/1/caylus?table=115428076
coup 296 et un autre plus tôt dans la partie, début de la partie 2 ( murailles )
coup 296 et un autre plus tôt dans la partie, début de la partie 2 ( murailles )
shimmydave • L'errore non è stato ancora riprodotto dagli sviluppatori:
24 nov 2020 11:09 • I just faced the exact same issue. I had the available resource but it didnt give me the option to buy a wood building.
if @volkerk is correct then that needs clearly mentioning as is very easy mistake to make.
I cant be sure where i clicked to trigger the favour advancement but most likely on the token itself rather than the space it is moving to. The UI doesnt indicate what to click on or where your options even are.
if @volkerk is correct then that needs clearly mentioning as is very easy mistake to make.
I cant be sure where i clicked to trigger the favour advancement but most likely on the token itself rather than the space it is moving to. The UI doesnt indicate what to click on or where your options even are.
Golden • L'errore non è stato ancora riprodotto dagli sviluppatori:
15 dic 2020 20:26 • I have had the same problem table 130774434 =127
blahedo • L'errore non è stato ancora riprodotto dagli sviluppatori:
30 gen 2021 7:36 • Table № 143526719
Move 94
Gilderoy wanted to build a wooden building, was expecting to, and had the resources do do so (cloth for a lawyer). This is either a rules bug or a UI bug—if the problem was that he clicked on the token instead of the square to move to, that needs to be way *way* more clearly indicated, as this is not something that is explained in the rules (and is not relevant in the face-to-face game where you verbally declare what you're doing) but highly specific to the BGA interface, which doesn't indicate this click target issue in any way at all.
Move 94
Gilderoy wanted to build a wooden building, was expecting to, and had the resources do do so (cloth for a lawyer). This is either a rules bug or a UI bug—if the problem was that he clicked on the token instead of the square to move to, that needs to be way *way* more clearly indicated, as this is not something that is explained in the rules (and is not relevant in the face-to-face game where you verbally declare what you're doing) but highly specific to the BGA interface, which doesn't indicate this click target issue in any way at all.
songtri • L'errore non è stato ancora riprodotto dagli sviluppatori:
20 mar 2021 21:01 • Table #153960364
Move #87
I(songtri) selected king's favor to build a wooden building and it just skipped, same as reported as above cases. This is second case for me to happen. My first case is from another game. It seems that blue player(neigelot) had selected same favor just before me. Does this related with this bug? I think I clicked the square to move the favor token.
Move #87
I(songtri) selected king's favor to build a wooden building and it just skipped, same as reported as above cases. This is second case for me to happen. My first case is from another game. It seems that blue player(neigelot) had selected same favor just before me. Does this related with this bug? I think I clicked the square to move the favor token.
TheAgu • L'errore non è stato ancora riprodotto dagli sviluppatori:
27 nov 2024 15:59 • boardgamearena.com/14/caylus?table=593655488
Move #60
I had food for make a building with the favor after the castle building, but the choice option didn't come out.
Move #60
I had food for make a building with the favor after the castle building, but the choice option didn't come out.
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- Un altro ID tavolo / ID mossa
- F5 ha risolto il problema?
- Il problema si verifica spesso? Ogni volta? Casualmente?
- Se hai una schermata di questo errore (cosa buona e giusta), puoi usare Imgur.com per caricarla e fare copia/incolla del link qui.