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Tash-Kalar resoconto
#43215: "Mouseover display of cards in the game logs sometimes stops working"
awaiting: Questo suggerimento non è stato ancora analizzato dagli sviluppatori
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Moving the mouse over cards in the game log is supposed to make a readable version of the card pop up. This often doesn't work, making it hard to figure out what happened on the other player's turn.• Qual è il tuo browser?
Brave 1.25.72
Storico dei resoconti
Aciho • L'errore non è stato ancora riprodotto dagli sviluppatori:
18 giu 2021 10:29 • Refreshing the page doesn't help. Problem seems to appear and disappear at random.
Aciho • L'errore non è stato ancora riprodotto dagli sviluppatori:
18 giu 2021 10:32 • I just tried hitting the replay button and the game played a different set of moves that didn't involve my opponent playing a card at all. I think it might be a bug with the undo system - cards played and then undone are left in the log but can't be moused over properly.
Quinarbre • Questo suggerimento non è stato ancora analizzato dagli sviluppatori:
18 giu 2021 10:34 • Actually it works only for cards that have been played while you were online and watching the game, so refreshing the page is the best way to break it :)
I'll requalify that as a suggestion, since it requires a significant code improvement.
Yes, replay does not interact well with undo, because I'm abusing the move and log system.
I'll requalify that as a suggestion, since it requires a significant code improvement.
Yes, replay does not interact well with undo, because I'm abusing the move and log system.
Aciho • Questo suggerimento non è stato ancora analizzato dagli sviluppatori:
18 giu 2021 11:06 • At least I know how to work around it now. Thanks!
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- Un altro ID tavolo / ID mossa
- F5 ha risolto il problema?
- Il problema si verifica spesso? Ogni volta? Casualmente?
- Se hai una schermata di questo errore (cosa buona e giusta), puoi usare Imgur.com per caricarla e fare copia/incolla del link qui.