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Caylus resoconto
#31770: "Increase the size of all images and add missing residence tiles"
awaiting: Questo suggerimento non è stato ancora analizzato dagli sviluppatori
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All the images of the board, and tiles are so small, and since there is lots of iconography it's nearly impossible to read some of the information, which in a game like this is critical.
Residence tiles are not shown anywhere so when I see a building that says "Build a residence", I have no idea what the cost of that building is or what it does.• Qual è il tuo browser?
Google Chrome v87
Storico dei resoconti
Clutron • Questo suggerimento non è stato ancora analizzato dagli sviluppatori:
12 gen 2021 17:15 • Like I mentioned above, the images are so small everywhere that unless I mouse over everything it's very difficult to tell what things do. Also there is iconography on the board that has no mouse over (like the information below the favor track or above the castle building locations). Having these images be bigger and giving the things that don't have mouse over text mouse over text would make things much easier.
matagouri • Questo suggerimento non è stato ancora analizzato dagli sviluppatori:
19 dic 2021 18:57 • Agreed.
Relatedly, I think that breaking the board into separate areas, to fit better on a landscape-orientation screen, would make better use of screen real estate. Currently two-thirds of the display is "empty table", with some tiny building tiles at the top.
The castle and favor track could be cut out and placed elsewhere, at least. The serpentine road is still rather tall for the desired aspect ratio... one could rotate it 90 degrees but that feels like a controversial suggestion.
Relatedly, I think that breaking the board into separate areas, to fit better on a landscape-orientation screen, would make better use of screen real estate. Currently two-thirds of the display is "empty table", with some tiny building tiles at the top.
The castle and favor track could be cut out and placed elsewhere, at least. The serpentine road is still rather tall for the desired aspect ratio... one could rotate it 90 degrees but that feels like a controversial suggestion.
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