#16357: "Impossible to build a green building during a favour "
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• Qual era l'azione di gioco che volevi fare?
Choisir un batiment vert lors d'une faveur.• Cosa stai provando a fare per attivare questa azione di gioco?
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Mozilla v5
Storico dei resoconti
Forced to build a stone building instead of building a residence. Occurred on the second favor I received after using the jousting arena earlier in the turn, then got a second favor after building the castle. I used both favors that turn on the building track.
Caylus #110620515: move 232
I choose row 4 for 3rd time (previous were move 60 and 121) it gave me 2nd column. I had to build woodden instead of stone.
Didn't think of refreshing the page though.
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