#151921: "Josh Trin 01 should have option to choose path for more/less wear"
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On track Monza, there were two valid paths with the same number of spaces using a green turbo cube (move up to 2 light grey spaces then 1 for each green cube in other players' discard piles) - one went through a light/dark grey space and the other through a white/light grey space. It defaulted to the light grey so I gained less wear and lost one grey space movement at the end of my turn. I believe I should have had the choice of paths and therefore between less wear and more movement.• Cosa stai provando a fare per attivare questa azione di gioco?
redo my move to see if there was any way to specify which path I wanted to take but there was not. I double checked that my counting was correct for both paths.• Cosa è successo quando hai provato a fare questo (messaggio di errore, messaggio nella barra di stato del gioco...)?
Nothing - it just wasn't an option to move the extra space with the driver ability.• Qual è il tuo browser?
Google Chrome v131
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