#151201: "Scoring not given"
A che riguardo è la segnalazione?
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Descrizione dettagliata
• Quale parte delle regole non è stata rispettata dall'adattamento BGA
If I'm not mistaken, the red and black player should both have scored a set that was not counted during scoring. I read through the rules again and can't see why they wouldn't have scored for them. Could you verify please?• La violazione delle regole è visibile nel replay della partita? Se sì, a che numero di mossa?
Yes, final scoring• Qual è il tuo browser?
Google Chrome v125
Storico dei resoconti
Don’t forget, to score a path, you must have the highest score in hand. If red and black are tie but another player has a higher score in hand, both players can’t score.
Black player has 11 in hand to score royal poinciana... why wouldn't the 2-3-5 run score 3 points?
Red player has 7 in hand to score tulip poplar.. why wouldn't the 3-4-5-6-7 score 5 points?
Also fix the tiebreaker display in the scoring table during a replay
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