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#137731: "Symbols (triangle, star, etc.) from the same stacks should be identical, rather than by color"
rejected: Gli sviluppatori pensano non sia una buona idea o che il rapporto costo/benefici sia troppo alto
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When playing the physical game, you create piles of the fireworks such that all of the triangle fireworks go in one pile, all X fireworks go in another pile, etc. Thus, if you're looking for a red rose firework, and see that another player has the X red rose on the board, you know to look in your other pile if you're trying to get that specific firework. Currently, there is only one image available for a given firework, and they are just coded by color (blue is always a circle, yellow is always a star, etc.). To match the gameplay of the physical game, it would be nice if the small symbols were not based on color, but on the pile which they came from.• Qual è il tuo browser?
Google Chrome v128
Storico dei resoconti
10 set 2024 8:35 •
jordijansen • Gli sviluppatori pensano non sia una buona idea o che il rapporto costo/benefici sia troppo alto:
10 set 2024 8:39 • You had me second guessing myself there for a moment ;)
You do not create stacks based on the little icons, you create the stacks using the color on the back of the tokens. The little icon is just there to help with colorblindness and has no other usage.
You do not create stacks based on the little icons, you create the stacks using the color on the back of the tokens. The little icon is just there to help with colorblindness and has no other usage.
kitstopher • Gli sviluppatori pensano non sia una buona idea o che il rapporto costo/benefici sia troppo alto:
10 set 2024 8:54 • Wow, yep, totally misremembered that from playing in person. Sorry for the confusion!
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