#127352: "She Rift's bounty token doesn't cooperate with Abu passive"
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• Quale parte delle regole non è stata rispettata dall'adattamento BGA
I tried to discard Shielded Atalant to pay for the shift of Nezha which has Bounty token on it. The token came from Galmi's She Rift of course. The game told me that "Unexpected error: You haven't any card left to shift with (reference: GS3 14/06 14:38:08)" when I tried to confirm the shift.• La violazione delle regole è visibile nel replay della partita? Se sì, a che numero di mossa?
Yes, move 145, I tried to discard Shielded Atalant to pay for the shift of Nezha which has Bounty token on it, making it have only 1 Shift cost.• Qual è il tuo browser?
Google Chrome v125
Storico dei resoconti
Screenshot: imgur.com/a/mPIE6yx
I wanted to shift with a card from my discard pile due to Abhi's passive. I did so anyway but by replacing other card, it was legal. It was only this Nezha with Bounty granted by She Rift that had the problem.
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