District Noir
District Noir è un gioco in cui devi dimostrare il tuo senso tattico poiché devi gestire la tua mano di carte nel miglior modo possibile.
Infatti, le carte che hai in mano vengono prima messe al centro del tavolo e possono quindi essere guadagnate da te e dal tuo avversario.
Avrai anche bisogno di un buon senso del tempismo: quali carte metti giù e in quale ordine? Quando ricevi le carte indietro?
C'è sempre una tensione palpabile durante ogni partita, poiché i giocatori possono vincere immediatamente raccogliendo le 3 carte Città!
District Noir è anche un gioco di assunzione di rischi e bluff.
Oltre a fare le scelte giuste, devi spingere il tuo avversario a fare quelle sbagliate.
Numero di giocatori: 2
Durata della partita: 5 mn
Complessità: 2 / 5
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Gioca a District Noir e 1002 altri giochi online.
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Con i tuoi amici e migliaia di giocatori da tutto il mondo.
Sommario delle regole
- -3 City cards
- -5 "5" cards
- -6 "6" cards
- -7 "7" cards
- -8 "8" cards
- -7 plus points cards
- -9 minus points cards
45 cards are shuffled and 3 removed from the game at random. 5 cards are dealt to each player as a starting hand, and 2 cards face up to the table row.
Have the highest score from Influence cards after 4 rounds or collect 3 City cards for an Instant Win.
Each turn
On your turn you must either:
- - Play a card from your hand (if you have any left) to the end of the row.
- - Take five cards from the right hand end of the row. You may only choose the take action once per round. Cards taken will count for scoring. (If there are fewer than five cards in the row, you take all of them.)
Rounds end after 6 turns, when each player's hand will have become empty and each player will have taken their draw action.
Players are dealt new hands of 5 cards, and the starting player is passed on for the next round. The row of cards remains as it was.
After the fourth round, the game ends.
If a player ever takes 3 City cards, they win instantly. Otherwise the game is scored at the end as follows:
- - Whoever took a majority of 8 Supporters scores 8 points.
- - Whoever took a majority of 7 Supporters scores 7 points.
- - Whoever took a majority of 6 Supporters scores 6 points.
- - Whoever took a majority of 5 Supporters scores 5 points.
- - Each set of 5-6-7-8 scores 5 points.
- - Alliance and Betrayal cards score their face value.
If tied for a type of Supporter, neither player scores it. City cards are worth no points.
If tied on most points then the player with the most eights win. If still tied the player with the most sevens wins. If still tied the player with the most sixes win. If still tied the player with the most fives wins. If still tied, the player with the most city cards win. If still tied it's a shared victory.