Amalfi: Renaissance
In Amalfi, i giocatori ricoprono il ruolo di mercanti nella città portuale italiana di Amalfi durante il periodo del Rinascimento. La città era una potenza marittima dominante durante l'ultimo secolo, tuttavia la sua importanza era diminuita. I mercanti di Amalfi sono desiderosi di riacquistare il loro precedente successo e rianimare la città portuale abbandonata, ma hanno solo 6 piccole navi.
I giocatori commerciano risorse utilizzando le loro navi, guadagnano denaro e investono nel miglioramento delle loro infrastrutture per poter guadagnare ancora più denaro!
Acquistando mappe e investendo nella navigazione, i giocatori possono guadagnare più denaro, in modo più efficiente.
Costruendo nuove navi, i giocatori possono avere più lavoratori per compiere più azioni.
Collezionando dipinti, libri ed edifici storici, ricevono onori e consensi.
Assumendo famose figure storiche che supportano la propria strategia, le azioni dei giocatori si fanno più forti.
I giocatori lavorano allo scopo di far rivivere Amalfi, diventando allo stesso tempo la famiglia più importante in questa città portuale storicamente rilevante.
Numero di giocatori: 1 - 4
Durata della partita: 58 mn
Complessità: 3 / 5
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Gioca a Amalfi: Renaissance e 992 altri giochi online.
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Sommario delle regole
There are 4 rounds in which to gain the most points
Each round has an Action Phase, a Feed Phase, and a Decree Phase
Action Phase
Each player takes a single action in order until all have passed
If a player chooses to pass, this is a hard pass and they are out for the remainder of the phase. The first player to do this becomes the new first player next round.
There are 6 actions to choose from:
Choose a destination with no ship and place 1 of your ships from your bay onto the dock of the destination
Some destinations have a bread cost too which will provide a bonus, if you can't pay the bread cost you can't go there
Take all the destination benefits from left to right, if you can't fully take a benefit take as much as allowed
Private Destinations will be unlocked through the game, only the player who discovered these can access them
Most destinations allow you to send a ship from your bay to a particular resource hold (if the wild resource symbol is shown, the player chooses the hold)
Some destinations ask you to discard the rightmost Artwork or Character from the main display, then this is replaced
Some destinations allow you to take a character from the main display, this may cost or gain you some bread depending on what position it is taken from, then a new card is drawn for the main display
Some destinations allow you to build a lighthouse from your player board and place it anywhere where there's a vacant lighthouse symbol (including private destinations of opponents). If the place lighthouse reveals a symbol, you gain a benefit. If you have no more lighthouses to build, you may instead take a character or 2 VP.
If a destination holds a lighthouse, when it is visited the OWNER of the lighthouse either pays 2 bread to send a boat from their bay to the resource hold depicted on the destination OR they gain 1 bread. Lighthouses continue to activate for players after they have passed.
There are three evolving destinations, these will be randomly changed up each round, with the round number they will change on shown on the lower right
This allows you to buy artwork from the main display, the cost is shown in the top left and, if split, you can choose what amount of each resource to pay with
Depending where in the display you buy from, there may be additional costs or you may gain some bread
Score the VP shown in the top right of the bought artwork then gain any bonuses it offers before placing it in your personal area
There are three types of artwork
Books are red triangles, mainly cost red, mainly cost 4-8, mainly gain 4-10 VP
Paintings are blue circles, mainly cost blue, mainly cost 5-9, mainly gain 5-11 VP
Monuments are green squares, mainly cost green, mainly cost 6-10, mainly gain 6-13 VP
This is how to gain private destinations
The cost is shown in the top left and, if split, you can choose what amount of each resource to pay with (purple is the most common resource used here)
Depending where in the display you buy from, there may be additional costs or you may gain some bread
Score the VP shown in the top right of the bought artwork before placing it in your personal area
Once gained, a private destination can be visited by its OWNER via the Navigation action
This is the main way to play character cards previously gained through Navigation
The cost is shown in the top left and, if split, you can choose what amount of each resource to pay with
There are four types of characters
Immediate cost bread and happen once when played
Permanent cost a stated resource and activate whenever their conditions are met
End cost any resource and grant VP at end of game based on criteria
Engageable cost a stated resource or bread and can be used through the Engagement action
Pick an engageable character you own and is unexhausted
Apply the effect
Turn the card to exhaust it
Each new round, all exhausted characters are straightened
In addition, some effects allow you to straighten exhausted characters early (these effects happen at the time they occur, i.e. you can't "gain a straighten", exhaust for use, then immediately straighten with a previous unused straighten)
This allows you to make new ships
The cost is round based at a cost of 5-4-4-3
You can construct as many ships as you want in the same action
Newly constructed ships go to your Port so cannot be used immediately
If constructing a ship reveals a benefit, take the benefit
Optional Actions
At any time, on your turn or an opponents, you may additionally either move ships from holds to bay or discard characters to gain extra bread, the extra bread is ready to be used immediately
Feed Phase
Check the rightmost space of your shipyard and pay the depicted quantity of bread
For ease of reference, you start with a feed of 2, and add 1 to this for each ship you build
For bread you lack, if any, lose 3 VP per failed feed, e.g. if you lack 2 bread then you lose 6 VP
Decree Phase
Earn VP based on the current round's criteria
New Round
As long as you didn't just finish round 4, the following applies:
Every player collects their ships from destinations and their port and puts them in their Bay
Update the evolving destinations
Discard the rightmost character and artwork
All players straighten any exhausted characters
Start a new round
Game End
The game ends at the end of round 4
End game characters score now
The player with the most VP wins