Winning at Fluxx is about maximizing the possibility that you will win since there is always going to be some amount of randomness in this game. Some tips‎:
-Not every keeper is used for the same number of goals. For example, Chocolate is used for 5 different goals while some other keepers are only used for 2
-Look for opportunities to make one-sided plays. For example, you may be able to set up a situation where you play a "Draw 5" and get extra cards, but by the end of the turn you play a rules reset so the other players do not get to benefit
-Sometimes when you have a lot of keepers, you benefit most from seeing as many cards as possible. If "Get on with it," "Goal Mill," or "Swap plays for Draws" are out, consider using them
-Sometimes it may be worth holding back a keeper if the Poor Bonus is available, especially with Inflation on the table.
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