Tips vegetables
Hello form Italy. I'm the VEGEtables inventor and I'm here to give you some important advices.
The version of my game that you can play on BGA is the one played in London at the Mind Sports Olympiad: the rules are really easy but the strategy depth it's a real challenge.
You can calculate EVERYTHING: which cards your opponent is holding, which cards are missing from the Wells and so on.
I love to say that VEGEtables is the ONLY card game in this galaxy where the "luck factor" is totally missing.
1st: NEVER play too much cards. The less cards you play, the less your opponent has opportunity to have moves to do.
2nd: Use your Jokers wisely. Waste them just to score 10 points is often the worse use you can do.
3rd: Keep in mind how many Jokers your opponent has. And verify at each move if you are blocking the correct cultivations.
4th: Completing a "Family Color" is ALWAYS a good move. The 30 points bonus can make the difference in the final score.
5th: Be careful in clicking. There are no chances to take back a card.
6th: Look at your timer! The standard timing controlo is 15 minutes for each players (for the FULL GAME) and a 5 seconds "Bronstein delay" for each move.
More hints are coming in future...